
Angel praying for Peace

Tuesday, December 21, 2010


What is PEACE ??
As per Merriam-Webster dictionary, definition of PEACE
  • --- a state of tranquillity or quiet
  • --- freedom from civil disturbance
  • --- freedom from disquieting or oppressive thoughts or emotions
  • --- harmony in personal relations
  • --- a state or period of mutual concord between governments
  • --- a pact or agreement to end hostilities between those who have been at war or in a state of enmity
How do you go about achieving it ??
The Peace word is becoming more and more ENIGMATIC in this cruel world lately ..... we are surrounded with so much hatred, people are inhumane to others feelings, the word compassion has left the planet Earth I guess :( 
At times seeing all this, I am kinda sad and leaves a sour taste... but I am not a person who gives up HOPE easily... A day will come when PEACE will reign and all of us will live happily caring for each the mean time. I try and reach out to less unfortunate people and bring a smile on their tired face, work hard in bringing joy to me and my dear ones by doing small good deeds, avoid conflicts and ignore people who try and spread negative energy ..... 

There is one beautiful song which I want to share with all of you.... whenever and whatever time I hear this song, makes me feel reallygood .... I forget all my worries and a state of tranquility sets in, which is kinda hard to explain.....

Why dont you all try it and hear this lovely song. The music is rendered by none other than the 'BEATLES' .... under the supervision of Srila Prabhupada.
In the next blog, I will try and explain in my own limited capability of who Lord Krishna is .... after whom this beautiful song was composed for.
With this quote, I end my first blog ...."With God, all things are possible, even PEACE. !!!"