
Angel praying for Peace

Monday, December 27, 2010

Christmas 2010 at Kulkarnis

Hello everybody,

How was your Christmas Celebration this year …. MEMORABLE … that was the right word in our case. This Christmas was planned and executed by my little one.

As you all know, I have two adorable and loving kids Abhishek (22) and Arathi (13). Abhishek is in his 1st year Med School and Arathi is in 8th grade. She is a real baby of the family. She acts like one and we treat her like one… Perfecto combination isn’t. J

Well on Thanksgiving Day when Abhishek was visiting us, Arathi came up with a rule and said, ‘Ok, all three of you listen to me. This year we are celebrating Christmas in a typical American way.’

All three of us were like, ‘What did you say Arathi, can you elaborate it ?’
Madame said, ‘We are going to have a Xmas tree and Xmas village like every other year. A new change will be where gift exchanges are concerned. Everybody should pamper the other person lavishly with gifts. And we are going to have a real nice and small Christmas party.’

All three of us are basically puppets in her hands and like a parrot we nodded our heads.

Come Dec 1st, Arathi unpacked all Xmas decorations from the garage, and decorated the Xmas tree and the small Xmas village with miniature homes, skating rink, train station etc.

Madame started shopping for all three of us from Thanksgiving. She would look out for ads, collect coupons and ask us what we liked in a very sweet and unknowing manner to all of us. Every weekend she would ask either of us and get a ride to the shopping place she wanted to go. She would pay from her own pocket money. That was the most touching part. Which teenager would like to part with a hundred $ bill… tell me?

Arvind was the second person; he was invariably blackmailed every weekend by his daughter to go out for shopping. Abhishek and I were the laziest people, I would give the reason saying, I am way too tired or I need to save money for my India trip. No reasoning worked with Arathi. Last two weeks I ran around like a mad woman and finished my shopping.

Come Christmas Eve, Arathi reminded all of us to wrap the gifts and label it accordingly. She was brimming with enthusiasm and made sure we were the same as well. All of us were locked in four separate rooms with gift wraps, scotch tape and labels. I had a great time wrapping gifts and especially the stockings for Abhishek and Arathi. I was imagining my kid’s reaction when they opened the gifts in the stockings.  My major weakness is these cuties who mean the world to me.  I try and make it a lot of fun for my munchkins. Bringing joy in their lives is one of my major goals in my life, to tell you the truth.

As a mother, it is my duty to make my kids feel special every single day and pamper them in my own means and budget. My kids love that and always appreciate even if it is a small gift. I am indeed blessed with beautiful kids who are extremely gracious and thankful to every small thing they receive.

Come Xmas, all of us assemble around the tree to unwrap the presents.  Let me cite couple of incidents as to what happened…

Abhishek opens a gift given by Arathi. It is written on top, ‘Abhishek, hope you manage this very well and prosper.’ All of us were curious as to what it is … Guess what it was… ‘ONE CENT’ was glued to the envelope….. LOL…. A 13 year old making fun of her  older brother’s spending habits. It was  fun to watch   Abhishek’s reaction.

Whenever Arathi opened one, her reaction was, ‘It is soooooo PREEEEETTTTTY’…. Once before she could open, she said, ‘It is sooooooo PRRREEEEEETTTTTY’…. All of us teased her to no end.

Wrapping gifts done, one wish of Arathi Xmas fulfilled. Next was to have a nice Xmas party. I had invited Haritha my good friend and Vaishnavi aka V. V is a very good friend of Arathi, I should say she is more of an older sister. She is 8 months older than Arathi. She first met Arathi when the later was a few minutes old. V is a great role model for Arathi and I am extremely blessed to have V in our lives.  Both of them exchanged gifts.
Arvind had cooked couple of Chinese dishes and I had cooked few American items. Arathi had baked eggless cookies. All of us are now Sugar conscious and have stopped eating dessert. We had a great Xmas lunch, yapped for the longest time. Had a long heart to heart conversation with Haritha about the growing pains of teenagers.

We take our kids and go to the Church, one in Mesa with million lights. This year thanks to my allergies and severe ankle sprain, we had to forego.

Sad to say, Christmas Day in USA is more of shopping and exchanging of gifts. Santa is given more importance than Jesus Christ.  No school ever talks of Jesus or his teachings.  Religion is taboo…

When I was growing up, I was taught about Jesus Christ and his teachings in our moral science classes. My parents in spite of their orthodox beliefs would teach me about Jesus Christ in their own small way. And how can I forget, my best and closest friend Anne was a Christian. I learnt a lot about the religion, beliefs and way of living from her,  Shanti (her sister)  and Solomon (her brother) . I would spend the entire Christmas day in their house, have loads of fun, listening to music, eating all the savories, cakes Aunty made, and watch movies. How I miss the ‘Alexander family’ ….. God bless all of you sweethearts. Love you all dearly and you are always there in my heart. 
Those were the days …. All of a sudden I sound old LOL...

Hear this beautiful song by BoneyM all about Jesus and his birth … my favorite group.


Saturday, December 25, 2010

Who is Lord Krishna ...

Lord Krishna is GOD, THE SUPREME PERSONALITY OF GODHEAD as described in the VEDAS. VEDAS are the eternal truths and lessons of life that have been passed down thro time immemorial thro disciplic succession and is originally written in Sanskrit, the Vedic language. 

In Sanskrit, the word Krishna means “all-attractive”, Lord Krishna is the most beautiful, powerful, and HE is the unlimited source of all power, wealth, fame,  wisdom and renunciation Since HE possesses all these opulences at the same time and in full, HE is defined as the Supreme Personality of Godhead.  HE is the all-attractive personality and source of all pleasure for which we are always hankering. HE is the origin from which everything else manifests.

Outside India, many have never heard of Lord Krishna....  They may have heard Rama, Maha Vishnu, Narayana... Krishna is one of the many names of GOD. Lord Krishna is also the GOD OF LOVE and by HIS simple action, advocates LOVE to all human beings,  be it an innocent cow or a simple and humble cowherd boy or an old man suffering from diseases and old age. 

Lord Krishna is usually depicted as playing the flute (murali),  spreading melody of love to one and all. HE is also seen in many pictures playing with HIS favorite pets COWS,  eating HIS favorite food BUTTER, Most popular are the pictures with HIS loving and devoted mom Yashoda. BTW, , another trade mark of identifying Lord Krishna is he is BLUISH is color and always wears a peacock feather on his head. 

Muddu Baby Krishna .... :)

Lord Krishna playing with HIS favorite pets COWS

With Mother Yashoda

As a little boy, Lord Krishna was considered a precious gem by one and all in Gokula. HE was a very mischievous kid and was extremely popular amongst all boys and gals fondly known as Gopals and Gopikas. Even the animals the innocent cows would stop grazing and pay full attention to Lord Krishna when HE played his flute melodiously.  HE used to steal yogurt and butter from the houses of gopikas and run away. Even though HE was a child, he performed several miracles. HIS exploits are now the immortal legends of Brajvan aka Vrindavan, a city very close to Agra. 

HE killed a number of demons from Putana to Kamsa HIS maternal uncle. Lord Krishna enjoyed the dance of love (Rasa Lila) with the gopis many of whom are expansions of HIS own internal energies. The supreme gopi known as Srimati Radharani is the object of Lord Krishna's highest devotion. 

HE is the most merciful Lord and with HIS benevolent smile pleased  and helped his devotees starting from Sudama HIS great childhood friend and Draupadi Princess just to name couple of them.

Hear this 
 Melodious, thought provoking and heavenly bhajan, starting with different names of Lord Krishna ...  
 if anybody does not understand the wordings, please feel free to ask or email me. 

Achyutam Keshavam Krishna Damodaran,  Ram Narayanam Janaki Vallabhavam .... 

Thanks Everybody

Lord Krishna bless one and all. 

Tuesday, December 21, 2010


What is PEACE ??
As per Merriam-Webster dictionary, definition of PEACE
  • --- a state of tranquillity or quiet
  • --- freedom from civil disturbance
  • --- freedom from disquieting or oppressive thoughts or emotions
  • --- harmony in personal relations
  • --- a state or period of mutual concord between governments
  • --- a pact or agreement to end hostilities between those who have been at war or in a state of enmity
How do you go about achieving it ??
The Peace word is becoming more and more ENIGMATIC in this cruel world lately ..... we are surrounded with so much hatred, people are inhumane to others feelings, the word compassion has left the planet Earth I guess :( 
At times seeing all this, I am kinda sad and leaves a sour taste... but I am not a person who gives up HOPE easily... A day will come when PEACE will reign and all of us will live happily caring for each the mean time. I try and reach out to less unfortunate people and bring a smile on their tired face, work hard in bringing joy to me and my dear ones by doing small good deeds, avoid conflicts and ignore people who try and spread negative energy ..... 

There is one beautiful song which I want to share with all of you.... whenever and whatever time I hear this song, makes me feel reallygood .... I forget all my worries and a state of tranquility sets in, which is kinda hard to explain.....

Why dont you all try it and hear this lovely song. The music is rendered by none other than the 'BEATLES' .... under the supervision of Srila Prabhupada.
In the next blog, I will try and explain in my own limited capability of who Lord Krishna is .... after whom this beautiful song was composed for.
With this quote, I end my first blog ...."With God, all things are possible, even PEACE. !!!"